#TC3Summit Where Will SK Telecom Invest $100 Million?
Sanjiv Parikh, Vice President - Business and Corporate Development for SK Telecom, talks innovation and investment strategies with Jeff Mucci, RCR Wireless News during Telecom Council's annual TC3 event held this year at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA.
SK Telecom's three innovation sourcing strategy revolves around the following three pillars:
1) Silicon Valley Incubator invests up to $1 million seed capital while providing office space and business development support to early stage companies
2) Venture capital pillar has $100 million in fund II to invest in series A and B opportunities alongside traditional VC investors
3) Business development (non-investment) opportunities that can be used within SK Telecom's all "IP" network
4) Corporate development looks to acquire companies with up to $500 million of value. For example, SK Telecom purchased chip company, Hynix
Areas of investment focus include:
- IT Infrastructure - SDN, NFV, Network Storage etc..
- IoT platforms that cut across opportunities
- Content - next generation of content. How do you make content "textually aware"?
MVI 6772
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