CTIA 2013 Unlocking And Monetizing Mobile Consumer Data
Moderator: Dan Meyer, Editor in Chief - RCR Wireless News
Guest: John Sims, President, SAP Mobile
For many years market research and analytics companies, media companies and brands have worked with traditional methods of monitoring and measuring the changing behavior in consumers brought about by the proliferation of smart devices. When all along mobile operators have had within their networks a remarkable empirical source of consumer behavior, insights and market intelligence. This presentation will provide details of a new approach to gathering consumer insights, and the benefits for both mobile operators and enterprises, while protecting user privacy. The service has two essential objectives: the first is to unlock and help monetize the powerful potential of mobile operator consumer data. The second, to work alongside the operator as an influential go to market partner to help accelerate the broad commercial adoption of the service by making it visible and accessible to all sectors, especially those where the addition of mobile consumer behavior, insight and market intelligence is of significant strategic importance.