#HetNet2014 Dynamics Of Change Panel
John Bramfeld of Advanced RF Technologies, Jeffrey Funderburg of AT&T, Barry McLaren of Ericsson, Mark Reynolds of the University of New Mexico and Asad Vaince of Boingo Wireless talk rapid changes in the mobile broadband industry at the HetNet Expo 2014.
Technology changes in the mobile broadband space are happening more rapidly than ever. Wireless service providers are rolling out LTE, with Advanced LTE and Voiceover LTE on the horizon. In parallel, 802.11a/c is being added to the Wi-Fi technology mix and Passpoint-certified devices could be game changers. This panel explores the perspectives from the wireless service provider, original equipment manufacturer, neutral-host provider, systems integrator and end user on how they are adapting—and getting ahead of—the rapid pace of change in the industry.
MVI 0175