How To FTP Log Files To Avaya Support
A short video on how to FTP logs for Avaya Support.
The steps to be followed are:
1. Compress your log files using a tool such as WinZip
2. Open a Command Prompt from the same directory where your compressed log files are.
3. Connect to with the account you were provided by Avaya Support
4. Set the connection to binary mode by typing "bin"
5. Create a directory with the name of your SR # (ex. 123456789)
6. CD into that directory
7. Use "put" to upload each file separately.
8. If you want to upload multiple files at once: a. Type "prompt" b. Use "mput" with a wildcard such as *.zipx
9. Type "quit" when you are done.
Produced by Carl Knerr.
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