CTIA 2012: Comparing Fiber To Antenna And Remote Radio Head Global Deployments
Huber Suhner compares and contrasts global remote radio head and fiber to antenna deployments.
Huber Suhner provides RCR Wireless News a tutorial on the challenges carriers are facing in deploying LTE in the USA and abroad.
The North American market has been slow to adopt remote radio head deployments. Because most US operators do not own towers, many hybrid box mass mount solutions are being deployed. European operators are reusing copper RF corrugated coax cable to reduce cost of deploying 3g and 4g networks.
In the US, carriers are increasing the number of antennas on a tower for two primary reasons:
1) Multiple spectrum frequencies and systems
2) Increasing number of sectors to accomodate capacity demands
Together, the factors above are driving need for more sophisticated cabling solutions to reduce number of cables running up the tower.