RCR Wireless Editorial Webinar: Innovation In Next Generation LTE Networks 6/19/13
As existing TDM mobile networks give way to next generation LTE networks, carriers are pushing IP, MPLS, CDN and traffic grooming functionality to the edges of the network. The RCR Wireless News team will review mobile operators and their partners, including cable companies and alternative service providers, as they aim to reduce network costs and improve quality of service. We will look at areas of innovation in the network core or EPC; in backhaul; and the radio access network.
Key areas reviewed include:
• Where are carriers today in terms of deploying next generation networks?
• What technologies are being deployed, such as SDN and SON?
• How are IPX and Diameter signalling being used?
• Compare and contrast emerging versus developed markets?
• What is the ROI and payback on various types of network investments?
Moderator: Kelly Hill, Reporter, RCR Wireless News
Panelist: Shin Umeda, Vice President, Carrier Ethernet, Mobile Backhaul & Routers Market Research, Dell'Oro Group
Panelist: Stefan Pongratz, Director, Mobility Radio Access Network (RAN) Market Research, Dell'Oro Group