Anritsu Webinar: Interference Hunting Tools
In this webinar, participants will learn about how to choose tools for each step of the interference hunting process, from identifying that there is a problem to touching the offending device.
Topics include:
• Remote Spectrum Monitoring
• Approximate emitter location estimation
• Driving to the emitter—getting close enough to park
• Finding the exact emitter location
Who should attend:
Managers, Engineers and technicians involved in choosing tools for interference hunting.
What you will learn:
The important characteristics of tools for each step of the interference-hunting process. We’ll begin with a brief overview of the process, and talk about how those characteristics help in finding offending emitters quickly and easily. In the Q&A section, we’ll also address questions that come up for any part of the interference hunting process.
Eric Hakanson, Senior Product Manager, Anritsu