#TSCS: State Of The Wireless Ecosystem & Small Cell Forecast 2015 - 16
In 2015, the number of small cell deployments rolling out across the country has picked up tremendous speed, and with that important evolution in the wireless ecosystem, a great deal of new information and intelligence has been gleaned. This panel of industry analysts and experts will review the changes the industry has gone through in 2015, and the new insights available to operators and suppliers to streamline and improve their 2016 plans, including: What is the current size of the small cell market? Where are small cell and HetNet rollouts taking place? How do we economically solve for carriers problems? What are the greatest challenges that remain to overcome? How does each sector of the wireless industry need to evolve to meet new network demands? What adjustments need to be made by backhaul providers? Directions for the evolution of the small cell market.
Keynote speakers: Berge Ayvazian (Wireless 20/20), Dave Mayo (T-Mobile USA), Ronald Mudry (Tower Cloud), Rich Ruben (PEG Bandwidth), Matt Goldberg (SevOne)