CommScope Addresses 3 Main Operator Issues At CTIA
Philip Sorrells, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, Wireless, for CommScope, gives an overview of CommScope's presence at CTIA Super Mobility Week 2014. Philip sees their offerings as addressing 3 main customer/operator issues. Those are the following:
1. How do operators add capacity and capabilities, and spend CAPEX in way that they can recover that with better ARPU?
2. Network Modernization - How to bring new technologies and capabilities into existing cell sites without disrupting the performance of that cell site
3. Capacity Solutions - Operator has existing assets, how do they get the most capacity out of what they already have today
To address these issues CommScope divides their work into 3 ecosystems:
- indoor cell sites
- outdoor cell sites
- backhaul
The products being showcased at CTIA this year are divided up amongst these three ecosystems.