Rohde & Schwarz Webinar: An Introduction To Tools And Techniques For Mobile Network Testing
Efficient testing and troubleshooting of mobile networks requires a wide variety of tools and techniques. These include instruments such as spectrum and network analyzers, drive test and coverage mapping systems, portable monitoring receivers, and a variety of accessories such as antennas, filters, preamplifers, etc.
This webinar provides a practical introduction into the tools and techniques most commonly used in modern mobile network testing. Topics to be covered include cable and antenna testing, RF measurements, signal demodulation, voice and data performance testing, spectrum clearing and interference hunting, as well as general troubleshooting methodologies across these different areas. Real-world examples will be used to show how to determine the most appropriate tool and methodology for dealing with the most commonly encountered issues, with an emphasis on practical techniques that can be used as part of a holistic approach to network test and troubleshooting.
Presenter: Paul Denisowski, Applications Engineer, Rohde & Schwarz