Red Hat And Alcatel-Lucent: The Right Partnership To Support A Service Provider's Journey
Red Hat and Alcatel-Lucent: The Right Partnership to Support a Service Provider's Journey features Alcatel-Lucent's Itai Mendelsohn and Red Hat's Chris Wright.
As industry leaders in networking and open source software solutions, Red Hat and Alcatel-Lucent have teamed-up to deliver a new high performing, carrier-grade NFV solution for network service providers. Alcatel-Lucent's CloudBand NFV Platform integrates with Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform to manage orchestration of the cloud network for peak performance.
Network Functions Virtualization is the next critical step for Service Providers making the move to the Cloud. By de-coupling the network functions/ applications as software from the underlying hardware infrastructure, this move to NFV will provide a new foundation for Service Providers to reduce OPEX and to provide the ability to achieve unprecedented network elasticity and scalability.
This session will detail the benefits of NFV migration for network operators, and how they will benefit by this change in architecture. We'll discuss the engineering collaboration between our two companies to provide the right NFV platform relying on OpenStack. In addition, we will discuss the ecosystem programs that both companies have developed to accelerate the adoption of NFV based on OpenStack technologies