CCA Global Expo FirstNet Summit
CCA FirstNet Summit Agenda
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
9:45 a.m. -- 10:30 a.m. Opening Remarks of the First Responder Network Authority
Welcome and Introduction, Steven K. Berry, President & CEO, Competitive Carriers Association
Sue Swenson, Telecommunications/Technology Executive, Member FirstNet Board of Directors
10:45 a.m.-11:45 a.m. What is FirstNet? An Overview of the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Project
FirstNet has commenced a, mutli-billion dollar effort to construct a nationwide interoperable public safety broadband network. Learn about FirstNet from a distinguished panel of experts, who will provide critical background about the project and describe the challenges FirstNet faces in delivering affordable, ubiquitous broadband to public safety officials.
What is the state of public safety communications today?
What shape will a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the construction, maintenance and operation of the public safety network take?
How will FirstNet meet public safety-level specifications for security and reliability without breaking the bank?
How can FirstNet secure the additional funding necessary to achieve reliable, nationwide broadband coverage?
How quickly can FirstNet deploy broadband services given its budget and contracting procedures?
What is the role of the states within FirstNet? Of local public safety officials?
Admiral Jamie Barnett, Venable LLP
John Branscome, Senior Counsel, U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation
Kenneth C. Budka, Ph.D, Chief Technology Officer -- Strategic Industries, Alcatel-Lucent
Jeffrey Cohen, Chief Counsel for Law and Policy and Director of Government Relations, APCO International
Andy Seybold, CEO and Principal Consultant, Andrew Seybold, Inc.
1:30 p.m. -- 2:30 p.m What Can FirstNet offer Commercial Carriers?
FirstNet is a large scale project and will involve several players of all sizes and services -- join us to learn more about the needs and opportunities presented with providing critical services to first responders. Topics covered include:
How can commercial carriers, including competitive, rural, and regional carriers, participate in the process?
How should FirstNet set its buildout schedule?
What partnership opportunities exist or are developing?
What is the role of integrators?
How should the business process be structured in a competitive way?
What are the needs of the public safety community for commercial carriers?
Brett Haan, Pincipal at Deloitte
Brett Kilbourne, Deputy General Counsel, UTC
Morgan O'Brien, Wireless Industry Executive
Patrik Ringqvist, Vice President, Wireless Networks, Ericsson
2:45 -- 3:45 p.m. What Can Commercial Carriers Offer FirstNet?
The tables are turned to showcase commercial carriers and how their existing and planned operations and partnerships can benefit a successful deployment of the public safety broadband network. Topics include:
What opportunities exist for infrastructure sharing or joint construction, especially in rural America?
How can roaming on competitive carriers' networks expand the FirstNet coverage and capacity?
What role should roaming hubs play in ensuring FirstNet has cost-effective, redundant, multi-carrier access?
What technical and operational lessons can competitive carriers offer FirstNet on issues such as interoperability and device procurement?
What best practices for network security can carriers deliver for FirstNet?
Q & A opportunity for public safety guests to engage in open conversation with commercial carriers.
Bob Azzi, Senior Vice President, Network, Sprint
Don Hairston, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Textron Systems, Inc.
Henry Hayter, Director Product Management, CCA Next-Gen Data Roaming and Access Hub (NDRA)
Christopher Yaw, Northrop Grumman, Director of Strategic Initiatives