Z-Telecom News
03:06 Popular
Wi-Fi Now 2016: Francis McInerney Of North River Ventures
Added 300 Views / 0 LikesFrancis McInerney, partner at North River Ventures, discusses the Uberization of telecom and takeaways from his presentation at Wi-Fi Now 2016 in Vienna, Va.
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02:43 Popular
Wi-Fi Now 2016: Graham Cove On The Role Of Wi-Fi In Retail
Added 266 Views / 0 LikesGraham Cove speaks on monetization and the role of Wi-Fi in retail strategy at Wi-Fi Now 2016. An excerpt from a presentation, taped live in Vienna, Va.
05:32 Popular
Wi-Fi Now 2016: IPass On Its Recent Addition Of Wi-Fi Analytics
Added 301 Views / 0 LikesGary Griffiths, president and CEO of iPass, and Patricia Hume, chief commercial officer at iPass, discuss the company's recent addition of analytics and deeper visibility into the worldwide network of Wi-Fi hot spots to which it has access. Recorded at Wi
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02:08 Popular
Wi-Fi Now 2016: Microsoft On Challenges And Partnerships In Developing Markets
Added 299 Views / 0 LikesPaul Garnett, director at Microsoft, talks about the company's approach to Wi-Fi connectivity in developing markets, including challenges to partners. An excerpt from a presentation at Wi-Fi Now 2016 in Vienna, Va.
02:02 Popular
Wi-Fi Now 2016: Microsoft On Enabling Partners
Added 303 Views / 0 LikesMicrosoft director Paul Garnett speaks about enabling partners to provide connectivity, as part of the company's efforts to connect underconnected communities. An excerpt from a presentation at Wi-Fi Now 216 in Vienna, Va.
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04:14 Popular
Wi-Fi Now 2016: Oracle On Leveraging VoWi-Fi
Added 323 Views / 0 LikesSteve Northridge, director of product marketing for Oracle, talks about the VoWi-Fi experience and importance for service providers. An excerpt of a presentation at Wi-Fi Now 2016 in Vienna, Va.
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08:12 Popular
Wi-Fi Now 2016: Panel Discussion On LTE In Unlicensed Bands
Added 301 Views / 0 LikesBill Maguire of Wi-Fi Forward moderates a discussion on Wi-Fi in unlicensed spectrum with Dave Right of Ruckus Wireless; Dr. Michael Marcus of Spectrum Solutions; and Eduardo Esteves of Qualcomm. This video excerpt was taped at Wi-Fi Now 2016 in Vienna, V
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04:34 Popular
Wi-Fi Now 2016: Ruckus On Wi-Fi And LTE Convergence
Added 335 Views / 0 LikesDan Rabinovitsj, COO of Ruckus Wireless, discusses the similarities and differences of Wi-Fi and LTE and how they are borrowing technology approaches from each other. Part of Wi-Fi Now 2016 in Vienna, Va.
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03:59 Popular
Wi-Fi Now 2016: Speedify App For Wi-Fi And LTE Channel Bonding
Added 282 Views / 0 LikesAlex Gizis, CEO of Connectify, talks about the company's Speedify app in this excerpt from his presentation at Wi-Fi Now 2016 in Vienna, Va.
04:01 Popular
Wi-Fi Now 2016: Wi-Fi Alliance Update And Trends
Added 273 Views / 0 LikesEdgar Figueroa, president and CEO of Wi-Fi Alliance, gives an update on Wi-Fi's success and how the technology is evolving. An excerpt from a presentation at Wi-Fi Now 2016 in Vienna, Va.
02:59 Popular
Wi-Fi Now 2016: Wildfire 5G's Approach To Network Deployment
Added 296 Views / 0 LikesWilliam Butte, CTO and founding partner at Wi-Fi service provider Wildfire 5G, talks about the company's approach to network design and deployment. An excerpt from a presentation at Wi-Fi Now 2016 in Vienna, Va.
23:11 Popular
Wi-Fi Offload (RCR Insights)
Added 352 Views / 0 LikesMost mobile data travels over Wi-Fi networks, but where are cellular carriers in terms of leveraging Wi-Fi? Some are ahead of others. Consultant Claus Hetting and Matt Davis of Nexius share their perspectives on the opportunities and challenges.
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16:36 Popular
Wi-Fi This Week: Episode 1
Added 218 Views / 0 LikesTop Wi-Fi stories for the week, plus an in-depth look at stadium Wi-Fi.
17:21 Popular
Wi-Fi This Week: Episode 2
Added 191 Views / 0 LikesVoice-over-Wi-Fi with analyst Claus Hetting, Ken Kolderup of Taqua, Qualcomm CTO Matt Grob, and Broadcom's Maryan Ketvani.
14:15 Popular
Wi-Fi This Week: Episode 3
Added 208 Views / 0 LikesMartha DeGrasse and Sean Kinney, editors with RCR Wireless News, discuss Wi-Fi-related news stories including Congress considering legislation that could open up more spectrum for Wi-Fi and LTE-U testing. 20150213
01:13 Popular
Wi-Fi-only Mobile Service (RCR Mobile Minute)
Added 313 Views / 0 LikesCablevision is launching Wi-Fi first mobile service
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09:51 Popular
Wi-Fi: The Perfect Retention Strategy - Wi-Fi Now Bonus Episode
Added 278 Views / 0 LikesAcquiring a mobile subscriber is costly – and losing one is even more expensive. Mobile carriers all over the world are beginning to realise that Wi-Fi services perform extremely well as a retention strategy, far outweighing the cost of introducing such a
07:25 Popular
WiFiNow 2016: Day 2 Wrap-up With Claus Hetting
Added 231 Views / 0 LikesClaus Hetting of WiFiNow talks with RCR Wireless' Kelly Hill about high points of the conference on day two. Filmed at WiFiNow 2016 in Vienna, Virginia.
01:13 Popular
WiiU To Get Smartphone Games (Mobile Minute 5/6)
Added 329 Views / 0 LikesMobile Minute 5/6/13: Nintendo wants to bring top smartphone games to WiiU, and the latest report on smartphone market share shows Apple still comforably in the lead.